European Master and Certification Program
in Risk Engineering and Management

Communication and Risk Goverance

Course code: 181773
Language of instruction: English
Duration of the course: 20 days (180h)
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Aleksandar S. Jovanovic (Steinbeis EU-VRi GmbH)
Assessment: Written Exam Transfer Paper
Credit points: 6 CPs

Short description

 This module explains principles of modern risk governance and communication by presenting state-of-the-art frameworks, researches and tools. The understanding of communication processes and the improving of information and communication techniques related to risk and hazards are central themes of the module. Students will be confronted to the different levels of communication ranging from Governance at national scale, Industrial Risk Psychology at organization's scale and the issue of perception at the individual scale. The use of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for assessing and managing issues related to emerging risks will also be highlighted.




At the end of the course the participants are expected to:

  • know how to deal with Pre-Assessment / Risk appraisal /Risk management / Risk characterization and evaluation
  • understand E-risk communication
  • be able to apply Specific methods and techniques (e.g. Delphi)
  • understand and be able to utilize communication tools in smaller groups as well as larger societal settings.
  • understand the basics of reactions to various risk and hazards
  • have extended knowledge about KPIs
  • have the ability to prepare and conduct data collections based on focus group work
  • shall be able to present research results at meetings/conferences
  • have extended their pereption of risks and hazards
  • know how the principles of industrial risks can be considered as positive

Target Attendees / Participants

This module is targeted to current master of engineering students

Course Content by Units

principles of modern risk governance
risk appraisal
risk characterization and evaluation
risk management
e-risk communication
risk perception and "social acceptance"
public participation processes
definition and overview of KPIs
guidelines and examples of application
communication as risk
examples of industrial risks
best practices derived from PCMM
how to assess, implement and maintain an efficient level of industrial risks

Teaching Methods

The module includes:

  • introductory note explaining aim and structure of the course, and used methodology as well
  • ex cathedra lecturing illustrated by number of examples
  • review of main topics in the end of each lecturing unit
  • case studies


Defined in the courses

For more information about the European Master and Certification Program in Risk Engineering and Management in general, go the Homepage.
For more information about the European Master Program in Risk Engineering and Management in general, go the Master Study page.
To see more courses in the curriculum, go to The curriculum page, or by date and topic go to the Calendar of Courses page.
Contact: via email or phone +49 711 1839 781 or +49 711 1839 647
(Course profile ID: B2, generated on March 7, 2025)