European Master and Certification Program
in Risk Engineering and Management


Course code: 175564
Language of instruction: English
Duration of the course: 33 days (297h)
Lecturers: Dr.-Ing. Jörg Michael Bareiß (EnBW AG), Mathias Bauer (EnBW Erneuerbare und Koventionelle Erzeugung AG)
Assessment: Written Exam Transfer Paper [optional topic for Project Study Paper]
Credit points: 10 CPs

Short description

The module applies knowledge of risk analysis specifically in power industry, starting with advantages and effectiveness of its application. It presents the regulatory basis and requirements, and elaborates commonly used methods through a number of examples. It covers the state-of-the art knowledge of risk based approaches currently applied in power generation industries to the wide range of professionals involved in different activities in conventional power generation. Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) and Root Cause Failure Analysis (RCFA) are methodologies used for the logical decision-making process of analysis and definition of the equipment maintenance requirements, as well as for accident prevention. Practical examples with the state-of-the art tools are applied by the student in terms of self-study and independent work.


In the end of the module students are expected to:

  • understand procedure for risk-based inspection and maintenance as defined for European industry by CEN CWA 15740:2008
  • present damage mechanisms specific for power industry
  • quote inspection techniques as used in power industry and their effectiveness
  • understand principles and conditions for life and risk assessment 
  • understand importance of quality assurance program in mitigation or reduction of risks in power industry
  • be able to modelize consequences on different level of risk assessment
  • be able to assess likelihood using statistical and API approach
  • recognize and understand most common damage mechanisms present in power plants
  • be able to select inspection and monitoring strategy aimed to reduce risks
  • differentiate a trendable from a non-trendable damage mechanisms
  • have a critical point of view on how reliable NDT techniques are and what are influencing factors

Target Attendees / Participants

University students of Steinbeis European Master Program in Risk Engineering and Management, and similar programs.

Course Content by Units

Material behavior and damage mechanisms
Inspection and maintenance
On-line monitoring
Remaining Life Assessment (RLM) new power plants
Quality Assurance
Principles of life and risk assessment
Condition and life assessment: risk view
Risk, sources of risk, risk identification, risk perception
Introduction to the qualitative assessment approach
Application of expert assessment and AHP on risk assessment of power plant components
Introduction to the quantitative and semi-quantitative risk assessment
Modeling of consequences – qualitative and expert approach
Assessment of different scenaria for power plant components
Likelihood assessment –statistical and API581 approach
Likelihood assessment – physical modeling based on damage mechanisms
Inspections and inspection effectiveness
Defects and their probability of detection
Risk Based Inspection planning and inspection results evaluation
Maintenance Strategies and Risk-Based approaches
General damage mechanisms – all industries
Refining industry damage mechanisms
Damage mechanisms in high temperature components
Overview of NDT Reliability data analysis
RCM and RC(F)A approaches

Teaching Methods

The course includes:

  • introductory note explaining aim and structure of the course, and used methodology as well
  • ex cathedra lecturing illustrated by number of examples
  • review of main topics in the end of each lecturing unit
  • case study
  • presentation of commonly used software tools and collective exercises


Defined in the courses

For more information about the European Master and Certification Program in Risk Engineering and Management in general, go the Homepage.
For more information about the European Master Program in Risk Engineering and Management in general, go the Master Study page.
To see more courses in the curriculum, go to The curriculum page, or by date and topic go to the Calendar of Courses page.
Contact: via email or phone +49 711 1839 781 or +49 711 1839 647
(Course profile ID: XIII-B, generated on March 7, 2025)