European Master and Certification Program
in Risk Engineering and Management

Risk Based Inspection - Petro

Course code: 136472
Language of instruction: English
Lecturers: Lic.Tech Pertti Auerkari (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland), MSc Branislav Orlić (NIS Petroleum Industry of Serbia), Dr. Gopika Vinod (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre), Prof. Dr. Petar Stanojević (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security Studies), MA Svetozar Eremić (NIS Gasprom Neft Refinery Pancevo)
Assessment: Defined in the module

Short description

The course elaborates on risk issues in petrochemical industries and explains principles of risk-based inspection. It deals with existing risk-based approaches and gives links to applied codes and standards. The focus of the course is on main reference documents of American Petroleum Institute: Recommended Practice for Risk-Based Inspection (API RP 580) and Base Resource Document on RBI (API Publication 581) API 581.


In the end of the course students will know the answers to the following questions:

  • Why RBI analysis is used and what are benefits and limitations of various RBI technologies?
  • What are differences between qualitative and quantitative approaches to RBI methods?
  • What is the scope of equipment covered in RBI techniques?
  • How RBI provides input to minimum requirements for programs that meet RP 580?
  • What are future industry trends in RBI?

Target Attendees / Participants

The course is dedicated to:

  • professionals who wish to deepen their knowledge in the field of risk based inspection
  • other professionals dealing with risk and safety in industry
  • individuals with previous experience in the field of risk based.
This course also aims to satisfy the needs of the students of the different study programs tackling the issues of risk based inspections. The structure of the courses units, methodology of leading the course will allow even to the beginners in this field to understand and adopt main topics.

Course Content by Units

Unit 1: Risk, sources of risk, risk identification, risk perception

  • overall view on risks, their sources and basic principles of risk management process
  • links to the applied methods, standards and code
Unit 2: Introduction to the qualitative assessment approach
  • basic principles of qualitative risk assessment techniques
  • definition and agreement of common scale
  • necessary expertise and background knowledge
  • results evaluation and consensus building
  • basics of AHP approach and its implementation to the Risk assessment
Workshop: Application of expert assessment and AHP on risk assessment of refinery components

Unit 3: API 581 Qualitative approach
  • basics of API 581 qualitative approaches
  • necessary data and background knowledge
  • API 581 Unit-based methodology is covered
  • API 581 Component Based method is covered
Unit 4: Modeling of consequences and Release modeling
  • introduction to the modeling of consequences as described in API 581, including the release modeling.
  • API 581:2008 modeling of consequences Level I and Level II is covered
Unit 5: Likelihood assessment –statistical and API581 approach
  • basics of statistical and data based approach towards likelihood assessment
  • basics of API 581 approach to likelihood assessment
Unit 6: Inspections and inspection effectiveness
  • different inspection and monitoring strategies and their effectiveness
  • effects on the risk reduction shown
Unit 7: Risk Based Inspection planning and inspection results evaluation
  • overall picture of the risk based approach
  • guidelines for use of risk assessment technique to optimize inspection planning
  • inclusion of the inspection results in the risk management process of a power plant
Case Study: Application of the results of RBI analysis on decision-making

Unit 8: Review of the main course issues and preparation for final exam

Unit 9: Final exam

Teaching Methods

The course includes:

  • introductory note explaining aim and structure of the course, used teaching methodology as well
  • ex cathedra lecturing illustrated by number of examples
  • one workshop allowing students to understand a problem and its solution
  • one case study
  • presentation of specific software tools and individual exercises using these tools


  1. Textbook:
    Risk Based Inspection - Petro, version 1, June 2009
  2. Transparencies
    EU RBI Guide document CEN CWA 15740:2008 (Risk-Based Inspection and Maintenance Procedures for European Industry)
  3. Certification material, version 2, June 2009
  4. Additional materials
    API 581 Appendix C Workbook for quantitative RBI
    API 581 Cosequences Analysis
    API 581 Likelihood Analysis
    NFPA 49 - Hazardous Chemicals Data

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Contact: via email or phone +49 711 1839 781 or +49 711 1839 647
(Course profile ID: XIII-A-R04a, generated on March 7, 2025)