The participants will acquire knowledge needed for:
- understanding the theory of project management,
- understanding the duties of project management and the resulting tasks,
- understanding the project management culture of successful companies,
- analyzing the most common tools and processes of modern project management (training in the methodological competence),
- rising awareness of the importance of project monitoring and project management for the project's success,
- developing practical project’s skills through case studies, and
- defining, structuring and planning their own master thesis according to what they have learned.
Target Attendees / Participants
Students of Steinbeis Master of Business Administration
Course Content by Units
Meta-level of project management
Basic concepts of project management
Basic factors for successful project work:
- Definition of characteristics for projects
- Cost, schedule and quality
- Basic concepts of the Project Organization
Structuring and specification of a project and project phases:
- The definition phase
- The planning phase
- The implementation phase
- The closing phase
Methods of project management:
- Methods in the definition phase
- Methods in the planning phase
- Methods in the implementation phase
- Methods in the closing phase
Conflict Management in Projects
Project Management in Practice
Teaching Methods
Classic lecturing
Free, interactive class discussion
Small group work
Baguley, P. (1999): Optimales Projektmanagement, 1. Auflage, Falken.
Binder, J. (2007): Global Project Management: Communication, Collaboration and Management Across Borders, Ashgate.
Boy, J. / Dudek, C. / Kuschel. S. (2004): Projektmanagement, 12. Auflage, Gabal.
Gassmann, O. (2006): Praxiswissen Projektmanagement: Bausteine - Instrumente - Checklisten, 2. aktualisierte Auflage. Hanser.
Goppel, R. (2004): Praxiswissen Projektmanagement, 1. Auflage, Steinbeis Edition.
Litke, H.-D.(2007): Projektmanagement: Methoden, Techniken, Verhaltensweisen, evolutionäres Projektmanagement, 5. erweiterte Auflage, Hanser.
Meier, R. (2004): Projektmanagement, 1. Auflage, Gabal.
Peipe. S. (2007): Crashkurs Projektmanagement, 3. Auflage. Haufe.