The participants will able to:
- perceive organization as a creative management task in the context of embedding goals and strategies of a company,
- get an overview of the whole old tasks of organizational management,
- recognize the remodeling of structures and processes for the creation of flexible and more powerful organizations as an essential factor for success,
- become capable of competent handling staff managers and central offices in professional practice,
- know the inner and outer needs of an organization,
- become able to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of different organizational structures with regard to their own projects or company and
- get impulses for organizational adaptation of their own project to the environment and the specific challenges, and
- become conscious about the resistances, limits and problems of organizational development
Target Attendees / Participants
Students of Steinbeis Master of Business Administration
Course Content by Units
Basics of organization and organization management
Education and integration of organizational subsystems:
- Labor division and job training
- Organizational hierarchy
- New developments and organizational consequences
- Subsystems as basic elements of the organization
Organizational structure:
- Ideal-typical basic models
- Special problems of the organizational structure:
Process organization:
- Operational structure vs Process Organization
- Process analysis and process design
Organization in the context of corporate development
Teaching Methods
Classic lecturing
Free, interactive class discussion
Small group work
Bea, F. X. / Gobel, E. (2006): Organisation: Theorie und Gestaltung, 3. neu bearbeitete Auflage, Lucius&Lucius.
Binder, J. (2007): Global Project Management: Communication, Collaboration and Management Across Borders, Ashgate.
Buhner, R. (2004): Betriebswirtschaftliche Organisationslehre 10. bearbeitete Auflage, Oldenbourg.
Faix, G. W. / Buchwald, C. / Wetzler, R. (1994): Der Weg zum schlanken Unternehmen, 1. Auflage. Moderne Industrie.
Frese, E. (2005): Grundlagen der Organisation: Entscheidungsorientiertes Konzept der Organisationsgestaltung. 9. vollständig überarbeitete Auflage, Gabler.
Picot, A. / Dietl. H. / Franck, E. (2005): Organisation: Eine ökonomische Perspektive, 4. überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage, Schaffer-Poeschel.
Schreyögg, G. (2003): Organisation: Grundlagen moderner Organisationsgestaltung - mit Fallstudien, 4. vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage, Gabler.