The participants:
- will develop intercultural competences as a basis for activities in internationally oriented companies,
- will be able to recognize different cultural dimensions (handling time, power, individuality, gender, security) necessary to make cultural differences
tangible, and
- will acquire knowledge needed for the appropriate use of specific cultural dimensions as an effective tool for communication with important international
trading partners.
Target Attendees / Participants
Students of Steinbeis Master of Business Administration
Course Content by Units
Introduction: Cultural Dimensions
Culture and history of the EU
Cultural comparisons:
- EU vs. Eastern Europe
- EU vs. USA
- EU vs. Asia
Teaching Methods
Classic lecturing
Free and interactive class discussion
Group work
Faix, G. W. / Kisgen, S. / Lau, A. u.a. (2006): Praxishandbuch Außenwirtschaft: Erfolgsfaktoren im Auslandsgeschäft, 1. Auflage, Gabler.
Hill, C. W. L. (2007): International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, 7th edition, McGrawe-Hill Professional.
Kutschker, M. / Schmidt, S. (2006): International Management, 5. bearbeitete Auflage, Oldenbourg.