Petrochemical plants
Unit 1: Risk, sources of risk, risk identification, risk perception
Unit 2: Introduction to the qualitative assessment approach
Workshop: Application of expert assessment and AHP on risk assessment of refinery components
Unit 3: API 581 Qualitative approach
Unit 4: Modeling of consequences and Release modeling
Unit 5: Likelihood assessment –statistical and API581 approach
Unit 6: Inspections and inspection effectiveness
Unit 7: Risk Based Inspection planning and inspection results evaluation
Case Study: Application of the results of RBI analysis on decision-making
Power plants:
Unit 1: Risk, sources of risk, risk identification, risk perception
Unit 2: Introduction to the qualitative assessment approach
Workshop: Application of expert assessment and AHP on risk assessment of power plant components
Unit 3: Introduction to the quantitative and semi-quantitative risk assessment
Unit 4: Modeling of consequences – qualitative and expert approach
Workshop: Assessment of different scenarios for power plant components
Unit 5: Modeling of consequences – quantitative approaches
Unit 6: Likelihood assessment –statistical and API581 approach
Unit 7: Likelihood assessment – physical modeling based on damage mechanisms
Unit 8: Basic Damage mechanisms
Unit 9: Inspections and inspection effectiveness
Unit 10: Defects and their probability of detection
Unit 11: Risk Based Inspection planning and inspection results evaluation
Specific areas of the RCM/RCF analysis.